Mass Times (English)
Return to the Sankt Hedwig Cathedral
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
We are looking forward to the time when we will once again celebrate the Eucharist in the Sankt Hedwig Cathedral - beginning on the Sunday of Christ The King, November 24th 2024. After that we will celebrate the reopening of the cathedral with a weeks-long program until the Epiphany of the Lord on January 6th 2025.
Below you will find the updated Mass schedule for the cathedral. For information about the reopening program, please visit our events calendar (in German).
About the Reopening (German)
Regular Mass Times
Holy Mass is celebrated in German*
Day | The Holy Eucharist (Mass) |
Sunday | 08 am |
10 am* | |
12 pm | |
06 pm | |
Monday - Thursday | 08 am |
06 pm | |
Friday | 08 am |
08 pm | |
Saturday | 08 am |
06 pm |
*On the first Sunday of every month, the Holy Mass is usually celebrated in Latin.
Please note: changes are possible. See also Zelebrationsplan (German).
Metropolitankapitel bei Sankt Hedwig
Oldenburger Str. 46
10551 Berlin
Prälat Tobias Przytarski
Angel Sanchez Martinez
Sekretariat & Buchhaltung
Tel.: (030) 330 99 77-100